5  Beyond Mapping: Vector-based GIS Analysis for Urban Applications


October 30, 2022


January 28, 2025

The true power of a GIS of is its geoprocessing and analysis capability. Geoprocessing is a GIS operation used to manipulate GIS data. A typical geoprocessing operation takes an input dataset, performs an operation on that dataset, and returns the result of the operation as an output dataset. Common geoprocessing operations include geographic feature overlay, feature selection and analysis, topology processing, raster processing, and data conversion.

GIS analysis, on the other hand, is the process of examining the locations, attributes, and relationships of features in spatial data through overlay and other analytical techniques in order to address a question or gain useful geospatial knowledge. GIS analysis extracts or creates new information from spatial data.

In this hands-on exercise, you will learn how to combine geoprocessing and GIS analysis functions of QGIS to meet urban application needs.

5.1 Learning Outcome

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • extract geospatial data by using appropriate geoprocessing functions of QGIS,

  • create a GeoPackage database and save the extracted geospatial data into GeoPackage data table,

  • transform the referencing system of the geospatial data into from geographic coordinate system (i.e wgs84) to projected coordinate system (i.e svy21). integration using appropriate overlay and statistical analysis functions of QGIS,

  • derive new field from geospatial properties by using QGIS attribute table tools, and

  • prepare statistical graphic by using Data Plotly plugin of QGIS.

5.2 Getting Started

5.2.1 The Task

Every fives years, Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore will publish the new Land-Use Master Plan (MP). It is the statutory land use plan which guides Singapore’s development in the medium term over the next 10 to 15 years. The latest version was published in 2019 and the digital version is available at data.gov.sg.

In this hands-on exercise we are interested to understand the distribution of land areas by land-use allocation at the planning subzone level. The target planning area is Punggol area which comprises of seven subzones.

Two data sets will be used in this exericse, they are:

5.2.2 Creating the project folder

  • Create a new project folder called Hands-on_Ex04 or any name of your choice.

  • Create a new sub-folder called data.gov or any name of your choice.

5.2.3 Downloading the data sets

DIY: Perform the following steps by using the steps you had learned from the previous hands-on exercise:

  1. download both data sets,

  2. place them in the newly created data.gov sub-folder, and

  3. unzip both data sets.

5.2.4 Start a new QGIS project

DIY: Using the steps you had learned from the previous hands-on exercise:

  • Launch QGIS.

  • Start a new QGIS project.

  • Save the project in Hands-on_Ex04 folder. Name the project Hands-on_Ex04 or any other name of your choice.

5.3 Working with QGIS geoprocessing

5.3.1 Geospatial data wrangling with QGIS

Now, we are going to extract planning sub-zones belong to Punggol planning area from URA_MP19_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL layer.

  • From the Layer pane, right click on URA_MP19_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL
  • Select Open Attribute Table from the context menu.

The attribute table of URA_MP19_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL appears.

  • From the menu bar of attribute table of URA_MP19_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL, click on Select Features using an Expression icon

Select by Expression dialog window appears.

  • Click on the black triangle in front of Fields and Values.

A list of field names appears.

  • Double-click on PLN_AREA_N (i.e. Planning Area Name)

The Expression pane should look similar to the screenshot below.

  • At the bottom of Expression pane, click on icon.

The Expression pane should look similar to the screenshot below.

  • From the right of Select by Expression dialog window, click on All Unique button.

Notice that a complete list of unique value in the PLN_AREA_N appears.

  • Scroll down the list until you see Punggol. Double click on the word Punggol.

The Expression pane should look similar to the screenshot below.

  • Click on button located at the right hand corner of the dialog window.

Notice that the top bar of the attribute table window indicates that 7 records have been selected.

  • From the Select by Expression dialog window, click on Close button located at the lower right corner.

To confirm that the records have been selected correctly,

  • From the menu bar the the attribute table, click on

Notice that the selected records will be populated as shown below.

You can close the attribute table now.

  • Click on the cross icon located at the upper right corner of the attribute table.

5.3.2 Saving the selected features into GeoPackage database

Now we are going to save the selected features into a new data layer in a GeoPackage database.

  • From the Layers panel, right-click on URA_MP19_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL.

  • Select Export -> Save Selected Features as.. from the context menu.

Save Vector Layer as.. dialog window appears.

  • For Format, select GeoPackage from the drop-down list.

  • For File Name, click on the button located at the back.

Save Layer as dialog window appears

  • Create a sub-folder in the Hands-on_Ex04 folder. Called the newly created sub-folder GeoPackage.

  • Double-click on GeoPackage sub-folder to navigate into the sub-folder.

  • For File name, type Punggol.

  • Click on Save button.

Now, you will be back to Save Vector Layer as.. dialog window.

  • For Layer name, type MP19 Subzone.

DIY: For CRS, using the steps you have learned, change to svy21 projection coordinate system.

The complete interface should look similar to the screenshot below.

  • Check to make sure that the check-box in front of Save on selected features is checked.

  • When you are ready, click on Ok button to run the function.

Notice that a new GIS layer called Punggol --- MP19 Subzone has been add on Layers pane and display on map view as shaded polygons.

By referring to Hands-on_Ex04 folder in Browser panel, you will see that a new GeoPackage called Punggol.gpkg has been created with a data table called MP19 Subzone.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned from previous hands-on, examine the properties of MP19 Subzone layer.

Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Notice that the layer is in svy21 Projected Coordinate System and not in the original wgs84 Geographic Coordinate System.

5.4 Geoprocessing with QGIS

5.4.1 Extracting land use features within Punggol planning area

In this section, you will learn how to use the clip operation of geoprocessing function to extract land use features fall within Punggol planning area.

  • From the menu bar, select Vector -> Geoprocessing Tools -> Clip.

Clip dialog window appears.

  • For Input layer, select G_MP19_LAND_USE_PL from the drop-down list.

  • For Overlay layer, select Punggol --- MP19 Subzone from the drop-down list.

Clip dialog window should look similar to the screenshot below.

  • When you are ready to run the process, click on Run button.

Op! It seems that the process failed to complete due to invalid geometry issue.

Less worry, this is very common in geoprocessing operations because of dirty or untidy data such as slivers. The issue can be addressed by using the Advanced options tool of QGIS’s geoprocessing operations.

  • At Clip dialog window, click on Parameters tab.

  • Click on Advanced options button behind Input layer.

Clip dialog window change as shown below.

  • For Invalid feature filtering, select Do not Filter (Better Performance) from the drop-down list.

DIY: Repeat the same steps for Overlay layer too.

  • When you are ready, click on Run button one more time.

Be patient, there are a lot of polygon features to be extracted. If the process is completed without any error, the Log will look similar to below.

  • Click on Close button to close the dialog window.

When you refer to Layers panel, a new data layer called Clipped is added. Notice that there is a small marker at the end of the layer name. It indicates that this layer is a virtual layer. In geoprocessing, it is always a good practice to keep the output layer a virtual layer first. After checking the correctness of the output layer, then only we will go ahead and save the layer into GeoPackage database.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned, save the Clipped virtual layer into GeoPackage, call the data layer MP19 Land Use.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned, remove Clipped virtual layer, URA_MP19_SUBZONE_NO_SEA_PL, and G_MP19_LAND_USE_PL layers from the Layers panel.

You screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned in previous hands-on, symbolise the land-use by land-use classes.

5.5 Data visualisation with Data Plotly plugin

5.5.1 Installing Data Plotly plugin

In this section, you will learn how to visualise the distribution of land-use class by area graphically by using Data Plotly plugin.

  • At the menu bar, click on Plugins -> Manage and Install plugins.

Plugins dialog window appears.

  • Search for Data Plotly.

  • Click on Install Plugin button to install it.

Notice that a new icon will be added on the menu bar. Feel free to move it around and place it on the icon bar.

5.5.2 Deriving new field by using QGIS geometry

In order to display the distribution of land-use class by area, we need to calculate and store the area of each polygon features in the attribute table.

  • From the Layers panel, right-click on Punggol --- MP19 LAND USE.

  • Select Open Attribute Table from the context menu.

The attribute table of Punggol --- MP19 LAND USE layer appears.

  • Click on Open Calculate Field icon.

  • Keep the box in front of Create a new field checked.

  • For Output field name, type AREA.

  • For Output field type, select Decimal number from the drop-down list.

  • At the Expression pane, click on the black triangle in front of Geometry.

  • Double click on $area. (Notice that there are two area fields, one is $area and the other is area).

Notice that the Expression panel is complete with \$area.

  • Click on Ok button.

When the process is completed, a new field called AREA will be added in the last column of the attribute table as shown below.

  • Close the attribute table.

Next, we will save the newly derived field.

  • At the Layers panel, right-click on Punggol --- MP19 LAND USE layer.

  • From the context menu, select Toggle Editing.

Toggle Editing dialog window appears.

  • Click on Save button.

5.5.3 Plotting a frequency bar chart using Data Plotly plugin

Now, we are ready to create the statistical plot by using Data Plotly plugin.

  • From the icon bar, click on Data Plotly icon.

Data Plotly dialog window appears.

  • For Plot type, select Bar Plot from the drop-down list.

  • For Layer, select Punggol -- MP19 LAND USE from the drop-down list.

  • For X field, select LU_DESC from the drop-down list.

  • For Y field, select AREA from the drop-down list.

  • When you are ready, click on Create Plot button.

A bar chart look similar to the screenshot below appears.

Well done! You have create a bar chart showing the distribution of land areas by land-use class within Punggol planning area.

5.6 Distance Analysis with Vector-based GIS

Distance analysis is fundamental to most GIS applications. In its simplest form, distance is a measure of how far away one thing is from another. A straight line is the shortest possible measure of the distance between two locations. In this section, you will learn how to apply distance analysis function of QGIS to determine the accessibility to pre-school from residential buildings within Punggol Planning Area.

5.6.1 The data

For the purpose of this study, beside Punggol Planning Subzone layer, the following data will be used:

5.6.2 Preparing pre-school location layer

DIY: Perform the following steps by using the steps you had learned from the previous hands-on exercise:

- download Pre-school Locations from data.gov.sg,

- place them in the newly created data.gov sub-folder, and

- unzip the data set and import the kml version into QGIS.

Notice that the pre-school location layer shows all prep-school locations in Singapore. For the purpose of this study, we are going to extract pre-schools located within Punggol Planning Area.

Instead of using Clip operation of QGIS to extract pre-schools located with Punggol Planning Area, in this section, you will learn how to work with Spatial Query operators of QGIS.

  • From the menu bar, select Vector -> Research Tools -> Select by Location.

The Select by Location dialog window appears.

  • For Select features from, select PRESCOOLS_LOCATION from the drop-down list.
  • Click on the check-box in front of Intersect. Students are encouraged to explore other operators.
  • For By comparing to the features from, select MP19 Subzone from the drop-down list.

  • When you are ready, click on Run button.

When the spatial query process completed, QGIS indicates that 71 features have been selected and are highlighted on the map view similar to the screenshot below.

  • Click on the Close button to close the dialog window.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned in previous section,

  • save the selected pre-school location features into Punggol Geopackage. Name the data layer as Pre-schools. Be warn: Check the Coordinates Referencing System of the input GIS data, if necessary an appropriate Projected Coordinates System.

  • remove PRESCHOOL_LOCATIONS from Layers Panel

Next, let us view the GIS layers in full extend.

  • From the icon bar, click on Zoom Full icon.

Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

5.6.3 Preparing residential building layer

Next, we will extract the residential building layer from the building data set provided by osm.

Using the steps you had learned,

  • down, unzip and save the osm shapefiles into a folder called shapefile in the project folder.

  • import gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1 shapefile into QGIS.

Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

The downloaded gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1 layer covers Singapore, East Malaysia, West Malaysia (both Sabah and Sarawak states) and Brunei Darussalam. However, we are only interested on residential buildings located within Punggol Planning Area.


  • Using Spatial Query function of QGIS, select buildings fall within Punggol Planning Area,

  • Export the selected buildings features into Punggol Geopackage and call it Buildings. Be warn: Check the Coordinates Referencing System of the input GIS data, if necessary an appropriate Projected Coordinates System.

  • Remember to remove gis_osm_buildings_a_free_1 layer from QGIS Layers panel.

Next, let us view the GIS layers in full extend.

  • From the icon bar, click on Zoom Full icon.

Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

Now, we are going to use the selection by attribute operator of QGIS to select buildings belong to residential type.

  • From Layers panel, right-click on Buildings layer.
  • Select Open Attribute Table from the context menu.

The attribute table of Buildings layer appears.

  • From the menu bar of the attribute table, click on Select features using an expression icon .

The Select by Expression dialog window appears.

  • Click on the black triangle in front of Fields and Values.

  • Double click on type.

  • Click on = button.

  • Click on All Unique button.

  • Scroll the slider until residential appears.

  • Double-click on residential.

The expression should look similar to the screenshot below.

When you are ready,

  • Click on Select features button to run the operation.

If the process completed successfully, QGIS will indicate the number of features selected at the top of the attribute table and the selected features’ records will be highlighted as shown in the screenshot below.

  • Close the Selection by Expression dialog windows.

  • Close the attribute table.

Before we continue, it is important to save the selected residential features into a new data layer in Punggol Geopackage.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned, export the selected residential features into Punggol Geopackage and call it Residential. Be warn: Check the Coordinates Referencing System of the input GIS data, if necessary an appropriate Projected Coordinates System.

  • Switch off Buildings layer because they are no longer needed.

Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.

5.6.4 Deriving centroids of residentail polygon features

In order to calculate the distance between the residential polygon features to the pre-school point features, we need to derive the centroid of the residential polygon features first.

  • From the menu bar, select Vector -> Geomtry Tools -> Centroids.

The Centroids dialog window appears.

  • For Input layer, select Residential from the drop-down list.

  • When you are ready to run the operation, click on Run button.

Before you can blink your eyes the operation has done and a new layer called has been added onto Layers panel and display on View window as shown below.

  • Close Centroids dialog window.

From the screenshot above, it seems that the residential building centroids were sucessfully derived. However, if we zoom in closer you will notice that there are three centroids were located outside of the footprint of the residential buildings. Obviously, the built in Centroids function of QGIS failed to derive the centroid properly when the shape of the polygon is an odd shape.

The good news is that there is a QGIS plugin called realcentroid which is able to address the limitation of Centroid function.

  • From menu bar, select Plugins -> Manage and Install Plugins.

  • Search for realcentroid then click on Install Plugin button.

  • After the installation completed, click on Close button to close the dialog window.

Now we are ready to use realcentroid tool to derive the centroids of building polygon features.

  • From menu bar, select Vector -> realcentroid -> RealCentroid.

The realcentroid dialog window appears.

  • For Polygon layer, select Residential from the drop-down list.

  • Fro Output point on surface layer, click on Browse button.

The Output shape file dialog window appears.

  • Navigate to shapefile folder. If you have yet to create one, then go ahead to create the shapefile folder.

  • Call the output shapefile residential_centroid.

  • Click on Save button.

The dialog window close.

  • From the realcentroid dialog window, click on check box in front of Add to map canvas. This will add the newly derive layer onto Layers panel and View display when the shapefile is ready.

  • Click on OK button.

After a few second, residential_centroid will be added on Layer panel and display on View window.

Notice that all the centroids are located within the residential footprint as shown below.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned from previous section, save residentail_centroid shapefile into GeoPackage. Then remove centroid and residential_centroid shapefile from QGIS Layers panel.

5.6.5 Computing distance matrix

Now we are ready to compute the distances between residential centroids and pre-school point features.

  • From the menu bar, select Vector -> Analysis Tools -> Distance Matrix.

The Distance Matrix dialog window appears.

  • For Input point layer, select Punggol - residential centroid from the drop-down list.

  • For Target point layer, select Pre-school from the drop-down list.

  • For Output matrix type, select Summary distance matrix (mean, std. dev., min, max) from the drop-down list.

Note: You are encouraged to explore all the three options so that you can understand when to change to alternative output.

  • When you are ready to run the operation, click on Run button.

After a few second, the process log appears on Distance Matrix indicates that the operation has completed successfully.

At the same time a temporarily layer called Distance matrix will be added on Layers panel and displayed on View window.

  • At the Distance Matrix dialog window, click on Close button to close the dialog window.

Let us examine the output Distance matrix layer.

  • From Layers panel, right-click on Distance matix and select Open Attribute Table from the context menu.

The attribute table of Distance matrix appears.

The attribute table consists of five columns, namely:

  • InputID: the fid of the input layer (i.e. residential centroid)

  • MEAN: mean distance from a residential centroid to the 71 pre-schools.

  • STDEV: standard deviation of distances from a residential centroid to the 71 pre-schools.

  • MIN: minimum of distances from a residential centroid to the 71 pre-schools.

  • MAX: maximum of distances from a residential centroid to the 71 pre-schools.

DIY: Using the steps you had learned, save the temporarily Distance matrix into GeoPackage and call it Dismat Residential. Then, remove Distance matrix from Layers panel.

5.6.6 Symbolosing distance values

Lastly, we are going to symbolise Dismat Residential layer by using appropriate statistical mapping techniques.

DIY: Using the quantitative mapping you had learned in previous hands-on exercise, symbolising Dismat Residential layer by using values from MIN field.

Your map should look similar to the screenshot below.

Interesting to note that despite there are four pre-schools located at the Northshore sub-zone however, there are several residential blocks have relatively poor accessibility to pre-schools. (Fruit for Thought!)